Oberwallis   T3  
12 Okt 09
Trip to the Augstbordhorn to avoid the fresh snow in the north
While in the north of the Alps the mountains were covered with snow even below 2000 metres, in the Wallis it was still possible to go up to 3000m. It was one of the last weekend with a "summer" bus connection to the Moosalp, so we decided to profit from this. From the Moosalp we followed the path via p. 2120 and p.2201. At...
Publiziert von matbor 22. Juni 2011 um 20:39
Oberwallis   T4 I  
30 Jul 09
Quick 3000 summit in the Wallis
Eveline and me were looking for a quick 3000m summit to be done in one day without having to wake up too early. Today's choice was the Jegihorn! From Chrizbode we followed the horrible path (prepared for alpine skiing in Winter...) to the Weissmies hut, via p.2526 and p.2596. From the hut we continued to the small bridge and...
Publiziert von matbor 24. Juni 2011 um 11:49
Oberwallis   T3  
9 Jul 08
Day 1 of our short holidays in the Goms
Starting from the train station in Oberwald we first followed the road and then the path to p.1778 passing Turitschi and Bawald. At p.1778 we continued on the left and went up to p.1918, then p.2034, p.2102 and p.2166. Here finally a real mountain path started... We continued to go up in direction west reaching the nice Jostsee...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Juni 2011 um 18:43
Oberwallis   T3  
10 Jul 08
Day 2 of our short holidays in the Goms
After having been hiking on the sunny side of the valley yesterday, today we chose amountain on the north face of the Goms... Aim of the day was the summit of the Brudelhorn. We started our tour atthe train station Geschinen, passed the bridge and followed the path up to Unnerwalij. Here we crossed again a bridge reaching...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Juni 2011 um 19:16
Mittelwallis   T4 I  
9 Jul 11
Weekend on the top and around the Pointe d'Arpitettaz
The Pointe d'Arpitettaz was planned as one of the highlights of the Summer 2011. Simone, Green and me left Zurich on Friday evening and went to Lucerne, where we met Ponch. By car we travelled then to the Wallis and spent the night in a camping in Vissoie. Saturday morning we left Vissoie very early direction Zinal with the aim to...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Juli 2011 um 17:17