Sep 14
Unterwallis   T4+ L I  
10 Sep 16
Rochers du Bouc (3314m) - Pointe des Chamois (3383m) - Pointe du Crêt (3323m)
Final day of the mountaineering course! We started walking at 6:00 at refuge La Barma, in the direction of Rochers du Bouc. After ascending some grass slopes, we found the alpine path that leads to the summit (3314m). This part was relatively easy (T4+). Next, we descended about 80 meters, over steep rocks, using the fixed chains....
Publiziert von KlaasP 14. September 2016 um 13:46 (Fotos:25)
Unterwallis   T4+ WS II  
9 Sep 16
Saint-Laurent - Grand Mont Calme (3205m) - La Barma
On the fifth day of the mountaineering course, it was time for something a little more challenging. We waked up at 6:00 at refuge Saint-Laurent and left around 7:00, following the path in the direction of Col de Prafleuri. After about one hour and a half, at a small lake (2874m), we deviated from this path towards the glacier at...
Publiziert von KlaasP 14. September 2016 um 13:45 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:3)
Unterwallis   T3 L I  
8 Sep 16
Prafleuri - Rosablanche (3336m) - Saint-Laurent
On the third day of the mountaineering course, we hiked from Le Chargeur (2141m), just underneath Lac de Dixence, to Cabane de Prafleuri (2657m), a very neat and comfortable cabane, where we stayed for the night. The next day, we left at 7:30 in the direction of Glacier de Prafleuri. We were explained some relevant techniques and...
Publiziert von KlaasP 14. September 2016 um 13:45 (Fotos:14)