Feb 27
Waadtländer Alpen   WT3  
24 Feb 08
Les Rodomonts
hiking classification: 3 stars (nice) In the morning the snow was better. Despite the high temperatures, the clear night caused that the snow had become quite hard, although not always hard enough not to sink in. After quite a desent, we started to climb to Col de la Forcla, and later the three peaks of Les Rodomonts. For the...
Publiziert von Cirrus 27. Februar 2008 um 00:07 (Fotos:4)
Jun 16
Waadtländer Alpen   T3 I  
10 Jun 07
Rochers de Naye und Dent de Jaman
Hike classification: 2 stars (acceptable) The climb from Les Avants to Col de Jaman follows often small paths in steep woods. This is a rather nice part of the hike (T2+). Unfortunately, col de Jamman was rather crowded and this might be often the case. You are also not alone when you climb Dent de Jaman. Nevertheless, the final...
Publiziert von Cirrus 16. Juni 2007 um 20:39 (Fotos:10 | Kommentare:1)