Jun 30
California   T5 WS- I  
30 Jun 14
Mount Shasta - the "big one" in Northern California
There's just one mountain in Northern California. At least one big mountain. The huge volcanic cone of Mt. Shasta can be seen from almost every place between Sacramento and the border to Oregon. Since the Mountain's base is at a mere 1000 m (~3000 ft) any climb on Mt. Shasta is strenuous with a huge height gain. The regular route...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 24. Oktober 2014 um 16:50 (Fotos:27 | Kommentare:2)
Jun 21
California   T5 IV  
21 Jun 14
Praising the Sierra's holy rock: Cathedral Peak & Eichorns Pinnacle
Toulumne Meadows is the second climbing gem in the Yosemite National Park. As soon as it gets too hot to climb down in the celebrated Valley, Tuolumne offers cooler spots due to its elevation around 9000 ft (~3000m). The only hard thing about it may be the pronunciation of "Tuolumne", all the rest is pretty easy going: The Tioga...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 31. August 2014 um 19:57 (Fotos:36 | Kommentare:5)