Horsetail Falls and P. 8844

Publiziert von 360 Pro , 19. Juni 2018 um 18:13.

Region: Welt » United States » California
Tour Datum: 8 Juni 2018
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T4+ - Alpinwandern
Klettern Schwierigkeit: II (UIAA-Skala)
Geo-Tags: USA   US-CA 
Aufstieg: 900 m
Abstieg: 900 m
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:Pyramid Creek & Horsetail Falls parking lot

Today I had some commitments in the evening and had to be back early. Therefore, I chose a hike with a relatively short drive. I also wanted to check out my original plan *from here, the south-southeast ridge to Pyramid Peak. Turns out my plans were a little too ambitious to reach Pyramid Peak in time, but I made it to P.8844 and back on a wonderful spring day.

By now I know the hike from the Pyramid Creek Trail Head up the Horsetail Falls quite well and don't really have to pay too much attention to the route. What I didn't really realize is that for a (relative short) dog the scramble close to falls is not a piece of cake. A few times I had to help him out and lift him up some big step, but all in all I'm quite impressed with his climbing skills!

From the top of the fall I then head pretty much straight west, gain a first smaller ridge and slightly down to a small drainage. Still going west I climb up to the ridge from P. 8141 to P.8844 which I reach at an altitude of about 8400 ft. There are no real technical difficulties, mostly class 2, some very easy class 3 moves. From here I follow the ridge and soon reach P.8844. Checking the time, I realize that going all the way to Pyramid Peak would exceed my time and therefore I take a break here before returning to the starting point. For the way down I choose more or less the same route I came up, except with a little detour to Avalanche Lake.

Close encounter with a rattlesnake at an altitude of about 8000 ft. Did not know that these fellows climb this high!

Tourengänger: 360

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