My alpine-buddy

Published by brunoz, 7 September 2016, 12h00. This page has been displayed 625 times.

It is with the greatest sadness that I am to cry the loss of Toto, my unrivalled alpine-buddy.
Monday afternoon he rose on the rainbow bridge for his last voyage.
Now a new star shines in the sky.
Everything will be different, terribly different from now on.
One image... an ever-happy Toto on the summit of Cima di Filo, less than a year ago.
His last summit.
His mountains, his joy.

Bye, buddy.

Comments (3)

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Dodovogel says:
Sent 9 September 2016, 01h05
I am so sorry you lost your friend.

roger_h says:
Sent 9 September 2016, 07h07
I am sad about your loss. It's hard to lose such a friend.

brunoz says:
Sent 10 September 2016, 16h28
Thanks Dodovogel and roger_h.
There's a great emptyness, now.
Memories everywhere you look.
I will never be climbing again on any of the mountains we climbed together, my buddy and me. I cannot.

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