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US-CA » Schneeschuhe (mit Geodaten) (13)

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Mai 10
California   T4+ WT4 WS-  
10 Mai 19
With "Why Wait?!" to Round Top
DG aka "Why Wait!?" and I wanted to go for a "hike" a long time already, but for one and the other reason it never happened yet. Today it did and it was a fun showshoe/back country ski outing on a wonderful spring day in the Sierras. We did the loop from Woods Lake to Round Top and back, like Donnie Darko and I did...
Publiziert von 360 12. Mai 2019 um 20:50 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 15
California   T4- WT1  
15 Dez 17
Phipps Peak - A nice snowshoe & hike roundtrip from Emerald Bay
California's weather is currently influenced by a so-called "blocking high" off the Atlantic coast which brought us nice warm and sunny T-Shirt days down in the valley for almost all of December so far (and it doesn't look like it will change any time soon). Unfortunately this prevents the winter storms from rolling in and the...
Publiziert von 360 18. Dezember 2017 um 16:42 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 8
California   WT2  
8 Dez 17
Tells Peak - a "must-climb" Sierra Peak for a Swiss!
After my failed attempt to climb Tells Peak last week I did my home work, studied what went wrong and why I didn't find the Highland Trail. After checking the different topo maps on caltopo.com, I realized that the US-Topo Map which I had with my (and was on my GPS) was outdated and contained an old version of the Highland Trail....
Publiziert von 360 11. Dezember 2017 um 19:54 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)
Nov 24
California   T4+ WT3  
24 Nov 17
Round Top: Normal Route from Carson Pass
Quick trip to the Sierra to check out the snow situation at Round Top. I should have brought my skis along, because there was more than plenty of the white stuff. Walked from Carson Pass to Winnemucca Lake to the saddle between The Sisters and Round Top and then via west ridge (snow free) to the top. Back the same way. (For...
Publiziert von 360 27. November 2017 um 04:24 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 20
California   T3 WT3  
20 Mär 15
From Donner Pass to Benson Ski Hut, via Donner Peak, Mount Judah and Mount Lincoln
Today I had rather ambitious plans: almost 20 miles of distance and 4000 ft altitude gain. Depending on the snow situation some of the hike would have had to be done on snowshoes as well. The plan was to walk from Donner Pass to Tinker Knob & back and on the way to Tinker Knob bag the 4 peaks which are somewhat on the way...
Publiziert von 360 24. März 2015 um 14:49 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 13
California   T3+ WT3  
13 Mär 15
Twin Peaks - snowshoe hike to the Tahoe summit with a famous name
"Twin Peaks" is probably known best as the fictional Washington town from the famous American television serial drama of the same name. A lot of people probably also heard about San Francisco's "Twin Peaks", the two hills near the geographic center of the city. I doubt a whole lot of people know the "Twin Peaks" in the Tahoe area,...
Publiziert von 360 16. März 2015 um 20:45 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 20
California   T3 WT4  
20 Feb 15
Trimmer Peak - checking out "The Elevens"
After my last weeks outing in the Carson Pass area, I was hoping for a little more snow on the north facing slopes in the Tahoe region, maybe even enough for a ski tour. However, due to the absence of the white stuff up to almost 8000 ft, I had to leave the skis in the car and took my snowshoes along instead. For my goal today I...
Publiziert von 360 24. Februar 2015 um 16:05 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:5 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 13
California   T2 WT2  
13 Feb 15
Snowshoe hike to Little Round Top and a lot of spring feelings at the American River
After a long abstinence from the mountains (for several reasons), I finally was able to get back to the beloved mountains. The California Sierras haven't gotten a lot of snow yet this winter, but with a big storm passing by last week I was hoping for enough of the white stuff to take my snowshoes out before it's summer again here....
Publiziert von 360 15. Februar 2015 um 20:04 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:2)
Apr 23
California   T6 II WT3  
23 Apr 14
Thimble Peak - A True Sierra Gem
On my tour to Thunder Mountain at the beginning of January, I peeked over to Thimble Peak and noted it as an interesting project in this area. After reading up on it on summitpost and Bob Burd's page, I knew that getting to it's highest point wouldn't be easy. After Thimble Peak I also planned to visit the Covered Wagon Peak...
Publiziert von 360 25. April 2014 um 05:34 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 16
California   T4+ I WT3  
16 Apr 14
Hawkins and Pickett Peak - There's still some snow left in California's Sierra
On my hike to Pyramid Peak (my first Sierra hike after moving to California last October) I noticed an interesting looking mountain in direction southeast which looked like a volcanic peak. I asked the person who was on the summit of Pyramid Peak together with me what the name of that mountain was, but he could not tell me. After...
Publiziert von 360 21. April 2014 um 06:54 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 5
California   WT4  
5 Feb 14
Silver- and Poulsen Peak - Snowshoe Hike near the Olympic Valley
Squaw Valley was the host site of the Winter Olympics in 1960 (click). Today it's one of the largest ski resorts in the USA. If you're willing to pay a whopping 114$ for a day pass you can enjoy about 3600 acres of ski areas. If you're not really into those things like me, there is also the possibility to climb mountains in the...
Publiziert von 360 6. Februar 2014 um 20:59 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 18
California   T4+ I WT4  
18 Dez 13
The Sisters Elephants Back (is) Round (on) Top - Snowshoe Hike in the Mokelumne Wilderness
The Sierra Nevada hasn't gotten much snow so far this season. In fact it looks like this will be the driest year on record (all over California). Therefore the amount of snow in the Sierra is rather meager and after my last weeks test of the snow up there, I decided to not scratch my skis any further until some serious snowfall...
Publiziert von 360 21. Dezember 2013 um 01:57 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 13
California   T6 WS II WT4  
13 Apr 13
Andesite - und Castle Peak: Schneeschuh- und Kraxelvergnügen in Kaliforniens Sierra Nevada
Kalifornien ist wohl für die meisten Leute nicht in erster Linie für seine Berge bekannt. Allerdings gibt es dort mehr und fast so hohe Berge wie beispielsweise in der Schweiz. Neben der Sierra Nevada (welche eine stattliche Länge von 640 km und Breite von 80 bis 130 km aufweist) gibt es im Süden Kaliforniens auch noch die San...
Publiziert von 360 27. April 2013 um 18:05 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)