Sep 25
California   WS- II  
20 Sep 14
Mount Agassiz - Main course in the Palisades
An altitude of 4000m is not really something which is important in a country where people measure the height of the mountains in feet. Who cares if a mountain is more or less than 13123.36 feet? According to this list California has 123 peaks with a prominence >300 feet, which are above 4000m, more than the Alps. And who wants...
Publiziert von 360 25. September 2014 um 01:49 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 19
California   T5- WS- II  
18 Jun 14
Mount Whitney - Mountaineer's Route (Plus)
Mount Whitney is one of the most popular mountains in the US, most likely due to the fact that it is the highest point in the contiguous US and it has some rather easy paths to it's summit. It is so popular that the government decided to regulate the access and only allow a certain number of people per day to climb it. This would...
Publiziert von 360 11. August 2014 um 23:18 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:2)
Aug 4
California   T4+ L I  
4 Jun 14
Matterhorn Peak - a "Sierra-Nevada-Must-Climb" for two Swiss
Matterhorn Peak was one of the very first mountains which I put on my Sierra Nevada "to-do-list", even before I moved to California. A mountain with such a legendary name is a must for a Swiss and in addition the routes to its top seemed quite interesting. It seems like every mountain range on this planet has to have some peaks...
Publiziert von 360 3. August 2014 um 20:13 (Fotos:32 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 4
California   T3 L  
20 Jun 14
Mt. Dana 3981m & Mt. Whitney 4421m
Drei Tage weg von der Arbeit, drei Tage weg von der Zivilisation, drei Tage ohne Handyempfang, drei Tage nicht duschen, drei Tage in den Bergen sein. Weit weg von zu Hause. Auf dem Weg zum höchsten Berg der Sierra Nevada und dem höchsten Berg der zusammenhänhgenden USA...dem Mount Whitney! Der Mount Whitney ist mit 4421m der...
Publiziert von Vauacht 28. Juni 2014 um 22:46 (Fotos:48 | Kommentare:15 | Geodaten:3)
Apr 28
California   T6 WS II WT4  
13 Apr 13
Andesite - und Castle Peak: Schneeschuh- und Kraxelvergnügen in Kaliforniens Sierra Nevada
Kalifornien ist wohl für die meisten Leute nicht in erster Linie für seine Berge bekannt. Allerdings gibt es dort mehr und fast so hohe Berge wie beispielsweise in der Schweiz. Neben der Sierra Nevada (welche eine stattliche Länge von 640 km und Breite von 80 bis 130 km aufweist) gibt es im Süden Kaliforniens auch noch die San...
Publiziert von 360 27. April 2013 um 18:05 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
California   L WS-  
11 Dez 13
Rubicon Peak - My first skitour of the season and skiing premiere in California
On my hike down from Freel Peak two weeks ago, I met two locals from the Tahoe region and asked them about back country skiing in this area. They recommended the west side of Lake Tahoe and its mountains there. After some research I found Rubicon Peak to be a good starting point for my Sierra Nevada ski adventures. It's not too...
Publiziert von 360 12. Dezember 2013 um 20:11 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
California   T4 L WS+  
30 Apr 14
Washeshu (Squaw Peak), Emigrant Crag and Granite Chief - probably my last ski tour of the 2013/14 se
Last weekend the Sierra Nevada got about 8 inches of fresh snow and even though the past winter had only way below average snow, I fancied doing another ski tour before the snow definitely melts. As my goals I chose a few peaks in the vicinity of the Squaw Valley Ski Resort (which is closed for the season). The fact that the...
Publiziert von 360 2. Mai 2014 um 01:33 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)