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Desolation Wilderness » Wandern (mit Geodaten) (16)

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Okt 8
California   T2  
5 Okt 18
Mount Tallac - the classic hike to one of Tahoe's most popular viewpoints
Mount Tallac is one of the classic and popular hikes in the Tahoe area. It is well known for the spectacular view of Fallen Leaf Lake, Lake Tahoe, two small Alpine Lakes and the Desolation Wilderness. The standard route from the trailhead is about a 10 mile round trip with an elevation gain of about 3300 ft. Don't expect to be...
Publiziert von 360 8. Oktober 2018 um 18:51 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 3
California   T2  
14 Sep 18
Ralston Peak from Camp Sacramento
A friend was visiting from the mountain-less part of this country and expressed the wish to accompany me on one of my Sierra Nevada hikes. Whenever someone asks me if they can come hiking with me I say yes, but hardly ever does it happen that someone actually comes along. My choice for this hike was Ralston Peak from Camp...
Publiziert von 360 3. Oktober 2018 um 14:59 (Fotos:6 | Geodaten:2)
Jun 19
California   T3+ I  
15 Jun 18
Pyramid Peak via Rocky Canyon
The general setup was more or less the same as last week, not too much time for an extended hike so something with little ramp-up time was needed. Since I also didn't have time to prepare any new hikes I just decided to go back to Pyramid Peak once again. In order to make sure I would reach my goal on this day, I didn't only start...
Publiziert von 360 19. Juni 2018 um 19:02 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 18
California   T4- WT1  
15 Dez 17
Phipps Peak - A nice snowshoe & hike roundtrip from Emerald Bay
California's weather is currently influenced by a so-called "blocking high" off the Atlantic coast which brought us nice warm and sunny T-Shirt days down in the valley for almost all of December so far (and it doesn't look like it will change any time soon). Unfortunately this prevents the winter storms from rolling in and the...
Publiziert von 360 18. Dezember 2017 um 16:42 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 3
California   T4+  
30 Jun 17
Of melting snow, "falling horsetails" and a pyramid
The first time I saw the Horsetail Falls, I wasn't all that impressed. Due to the drought then and the late season, the waterfall had nothing but a tiny bit of water trickling down from the Desolation Valley. The current situation with record amounts of melting snow should give the falls a much more impressive character. In...
Publiziert von 360 3. Juli 2017 um 21:15 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 23
California   T4+  
5 Aug 16
Pyramid Peak revisited
Pyramid Peak was the first peak I visited after moving to California, almost 3 years ago. Looking for some more workout with quite some altitude gain, I decided to go back and pay it another visit. This time I decided to walk up via Rocky Canyon (my way down the last time) and check out the north ridge for my way down and later...
Publiziert von 360 23. August 2016 um 02:52 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 9
California   T5- II  
23 Okt 20
Little Pyramid - the "unnamed" beauty
Update October 23, 2020 see below* June 24, 2016: During my hike last week I saw a mountain which caught my attention. To my surprise, after consulting the USGS topo map, I found out that it didn't have a name on any map, even though it is quite a prominent peak with a topographical prominence to its neighbor (Mount Agassiz)...
Publiziert von 360 9. August 2016 um 14:24 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:2)
California   T4 I  
17 Jun 16
Becker Peak - Talking Mountain - Ralston Peak
Ralston Peak is a popular mountain in the Desolation Wilderness which is typically and often climbed from the trailhead close to Highway 50 near Camp Sacramento. However, my goal was to climb it via East Ridge from Echo Lake and also bag Becker Peak and Talking Mountain on the way up. For my way down I planned to take the...
Publiziert von 360 9. August 2016 um 03:01 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 11
California   T5 II  
26 Jun 15
Angora Peak - Indian Rock - Echo Peak
My announcement to come back to Fallen Leaf Lake and climb Angora Peak and Indian Rock didn't take very long to happen. I hiked up to Angora Peak from the south end of Fallen Leaf Lake, via hiking path and later the not very distinct northeast ridge, followed the connecting ridge to Indian Rock and Echo Peak and dropped down to...
Publiziert von 360 11. Juni 2016 um 07:54 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 3
California   T5 II  
29 Mai 15
Hike and Bike: Keith's Dome - Echo Peak and Flagpole Peak
My Swiss hiking projects typically didn't have the same starting and end point, because I was almost exclusively traveling with public transportation and I would often choose to end my hike at a different train station or bus stop than the beginning of my hike. Here in California public transportation is basically non-existent, in...
Publiziert von 360 3. Juni 2015 um 06:09 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 6
California   T2  
30 Mär 15
Mount Tallac
Left the car at the pullout on the north side of Hwy 89, past the (still gated) Spring Creek Rd, and walked to the end of Spring Creek Rd. Couldn't find an obvious trail, and turned back when after half an hour of bushwacking a view up along the winter route showed nothing but more of the same, and not a speck of snow. Next, I...
Publiziert von ejain 6. April 2015 um 08:04 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)
Nov 16
California   T4 I  
14 Nov 14
Jacks and Dicks Peak - Desolation Wilderness at its best
Dicks and Jacks Peak have caught my attention on many of my hikes in the Tahoe area already. These two mountains are both quite high (almost 10K ft) and stick out. You see them from many other peaks in the area. However, a day hike to these two peaks is about 14 miles long with an altitude gain of more than 4000 ft, no matter from...
Publiziert von 360 16. November 2014 um 07:29 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 24
California   T5 III  
8 Aug 14
Mount Price and Agassiz - Crystal Range re-visited
After my first outing after moving to California to Pyramid Peak, I already new I would come back and revisit the Crystal Range in the Desolation Wilderness. The view from Pyramid Peak to Mount Agassiz and Mount Price (here) sparked my interest. Friends who visited from Switzerland wanted to go and do some scrambling in the...
Publiziert von 360 24. September 2014 um 00:18 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 10
California   T6- III  
28 Mai 14
Emerald Point - Sierra Nevada warm-up for USAlpin_Rise
After Alpin_Rise arrived in California, we (obviously) started talking about potential goals for a hike. His 3 wishes for this weeks Wednesday outing were: 1. to get some scrambling in, 2. not too much of an altitude difference and 3. if possible some snow for sliding down the mountain. Still being a California novice myself, the...
Publiziert von 360 10. Juni 2014 um 02:21 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 20
California   T1 WS+  
19 Mär 14
Mount Tallac, a classic ski tour in the Tahoe area - I encountered some obstacles
Mount Tallac is a favorite destination for Tahoe’s backcountry ski crowd and it's also popular with boarders. According to some sources it's actually rated one of the "top 10" backcountry skiing destinations in the US. My plan to get to the top via N-Ridge (which used to be the standard) and ski down the NE bowl had to be...
Publiziert von 360 20. März 2014 um 23:09 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 31
California   T4 I  
23 Okt 13
Desolation Wilderness: Pyramid Peak
Viele von Euch haben es bemerkt… ich war 1 1/2 Monate lang alpinistisch untätig. Dies hat einen tieferen Grund, denn mein Lebensmittelpunkt hat sich seit meiner letzten Tour geographisch um fast 10'000km gegen Westen und knapp 1'000km gegen Süden verschoben. Die CH-Alpen sind nun nicht mehr mein Haupt-Gipfel-Jagdgebiet,...
Publiziert von 360 31. Oktober 2013 um 21:01 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:9 | Geodaten:1)