Nov 19
California   T5 V- K1  
15 Jun 14
Following the Snake: Dike climbing on Half Dome
Climbing Half Dome is a dream for almost everyone visiting the Yosemite Valley. Once you see that incredible granite monolithe from the right perspective, the question "why?" is already answered. "Climbing" Half Dome means to most people standing in a line for the (in)famous regular route via "the calbes" - if you were lucky...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 17. November 2014 um 20:37 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:4)
Mär 14
California   T2  
8 Mär 14
Spring hike in Yosemite NP: Yosemite Point (2114m) and Castle Cliffs (2250m)
Another mandatory part of the California tourist program is to go to Yosemite National Park. In spring, it's not that crowded, the waterfalls are most impressive, and in the past winter, there has not been much snow, so let's go! A hike that is suitable if you only have 1 day and have to drive back the same day, leads to...
Publiziert von felixbavaria 14. März 2014 um 17:31 (Fotos:38 | Kommentare:2)
California   T5 IV  
13 Jun 14
Chasing Waterfalls and a and "Devils Pool" after the Regular Route at Sunnyside Bench
After my 100k hike I arrived in Yosemite Valley, missing climbing gear as well as a partner. Nevertheless, I got to knew some nice people and I had the chance to do some easy climbing routes like After Six, Snake Dike and the Regular Route at Sunnyside beach. The last is regarded as one of the easiest routes in the Valley and...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 10. Januar 2017 um 10:03 (Fotos:8)
California   T2  
29 Apr 19
Upper Yosemite Falls Trail - Zur Abbruchkante des Wasserfalls
Im Rahmen eines kleinen Roadtrips entlang der kalifornischen Westküste machten wir einen Abstecher ins Yosemite Valley. Und das direkt am ersten wirklich warmen Tag des Frühjahrs im Hochtal. Dementsprechend lag noch gut Schnee auf den Bergen ringsherum, der der warmen Sonne wenig entgegenzusetzen hatte. Warum ich das gleich am...
Publiziert von Sarmiento 24. März 2020 um 20:22 (Fotos:37)