Domleschg   T2 L  
25 Jun 20
Parpeinahorn, Einshorn, Zwölfihorn, and Rappakopf - bike & hike from Zillis
Parpeinahorn (2602 m), Einshorn (2457 m), Zwölfihorn (2292 m), and Rappakopf (2196 m) - those were the peaks I covered today. But in the opposite order; Parpeinahorn was the last one. Start of the tour in Zillis at 7:30 AM. I rode my mountain bike along the main road up to Lohn (distance: 9 km, elevation gain: 650 m). There I...
Publiziert von Roald 25. Juni 2020 um 21:36 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)