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Pyramid Peak » Wandern (mit Geodaten) (4)

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Jun 19
California   T3+ I  
15 Jun 18
Pyramid Peak via Rocky Canyon
The general setup was more or less the same as last week, not too much time for an extended hike so something with little ramp-up time was needed. Since I also didn't have time to prepare any new hikes I just decided to go back to Pyramid Peak once again. In order to make sure I would reach my goal on this day, I didn't only start...
Publiziert von 360 19. Juni 2018 um 19:02 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 3
California   T4+  
30 Jun 17
Of melting snow, "falling horsetails" and a pyramid
The first time I saw the Horsetail Falls, I wasn't all that impressed. Due to the drought then and the late season, the waterfall had nothing but a tiny bit of water trickling down from the Desolation Valley. The current situation with record amounts of melting snow should give the falls a much more impressive character. In...
Publiziert von 360 3. Juli 2017 um 21:15 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 23
California   T4+  
5 Aug 16
Pyramid Peak revisited
Pyramid Peak was the first peak I visited after moving to California, almost 3 years ago. Looking for some more workout with quite some altitude gain, I decided to go back and pay it another visit. This time I decided to walk up via Rocky Canyon (my way down the last time) and check out the north ridge for my way down and later...
Publiziert von 360 23. August 2016 um 02:52 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 31
California   T4 I  
23 Okt 13
Desolation Wilderness: Pyramid Peak
Viele von Euch haben es bemerkt… ich war 1 1/2 Monate lang alpinistisch untätig. Dies hat einen tieferen Grund, denn mein Lebensmittelpunkt hat sich seit meiner letzten Tour geographisch um fast 10'000km gegen Westen und knapp 1'000km gegen Süden verschoben. Die CH-Alpen sind nun nicht mehr mein Haupt-Gipfel-Jagdgebiet,...
Publiziert von 360 31. Oktober 2013 um 21:01 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:9 | Geodaten:1)