Maja e Zezë / Jablanica / Јабланица 2260 m

Gipfel in 1 Tourenbericht. Letzter Besuch :
17 Sep 12

Geo-Tags: AL, MK

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Tourenberichte (1)

Wandern (1)

Albanien   T2  
17 Sep 12
Maja e Zeze - highpoint of Jabllanica
The Shebenik-Jabllanica National Park is one of the largest National Parks in Albania. It is in a fairly remote corner along the border with Macedonia. The area has great touristic potential, but as of writing, infrastructure is minimal. There are some tourist huts being built in Stebleve, and we were told they will open in winter...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 24. September 2012 um 12:45 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:2)