Oberwallis   T4+ I  
12 Sep 10
Zwischen Ofenhorn und Monte Leone
Rundwanderung: Binn - Alpe Devero - Alpe Veglia - Binn Route Tag 1: Binn - Binntalhütte - Alpe Devero Distanz: 21km Aufstieg: 1100m Tag 2: Alpe Devero - Alpe Buscagna - Scatta d'Orogna - Passo di Valtendra - Alpe Veglia Distanz: 16km Aufstieg: 1300 Tag 3: Alpe Veglia -...
Publiziert von bimi 17. Oktober 2010 um 16:35 (Fotos:66 | Geodaten:1)
Oberwallis   T5- I  
21 Aug 15
Peak-bagging in the Saflischtal
Back in June, I hosted fellow Belgian Sarah in Zürich through CouchSurfing. She was on her way into the Oberwallis two work the whole summer as "Zusennerin" at the Alp Furgge in Gregniols. In return, I got an open invitation to come spend a night on the alp. An ideal opportunity to combine this with some peak-bagging in the...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. September 2015 um 21:04 (Fotos:85 | Geodaten:2)