Bellinzonese   T3 WT2  
27 Jan 11
Tour: Camperio-Dötra-Croce Portera-Croce del Bosc-Pian Com-Camperio
For English readers click[here] Tour: Camperio-Dötra-Croce Portera-Croce del Bosc-Pian Com-Camperio Visto da Giulio (gbal): La luce che filtra dalle tapparelle pian piano mi fa emergere da un sonno profondo; mentre assaporo quella strana sensazione dei miei muscoli ancora affaticati eppure chetati...
Publiziert von gbal 5. Februar 2011 um 10:01 (Fotos:46 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Bellinzonese   T4  
24 Sep 16
Pizzo Forno
"Of all the excellent viewpoints in this guidebook, the Pizzo Forno might be the number one," writes SAC Alpinwandern/Gipfelziele Gotthard. "The ascent is best left for an autumn day with clear weather." Check and check. Or so we thought, until a cloud came out of nowhere to reach the summit Pizzo Forno summit at exactly the same...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. Oktober 2016 um 14:33 (Fotos:72 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Bellinzonese   T4+  
20 Aug 16
Pizzo Cristallina + Passo Grandinagia
Day 1 Ossasco - Capanna Cristallina T2-T3, 1200m ascent, 3h The weather forecast for this Saturday afternoon had been quite wet, but we get lucky and don't get more than a light drizzle during the three hour ascent from Ossasco to the Capanna Cristallina. The visibility is rarely more than 50m, though. The modern incarnation...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. September 2016 um 21:32 (Fotos:47 | Geodaten:2)
Bellinzonese   T5 I  
28 Aug 16
Pizzo Centrale (ridge hike from Gloggentürmlipass to Passo Posmeda)
The Pizzo Centrale is stilla popular summit, even though resurveying stripped the summit of its 3000m status some years ago. Besides the normal route from the Lago della Sella, there are three ridges leading to the summit. All of the ridges have interesting alpine hiking routes, which have been described on Hikr many times...
Publiziert von Stijn 9. September 2016 um 21:20 (Fotos:22 | Geodaten:1)