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338 Tourenberichte

PMpm Sende mir eine Nachricht
Stadt Zürich
Kanton ZH
Land CH
HomepageFlickr Photostream
as my mother tongue is french, i write my reports in this language. just because i'm lazy and it's a pain to write them down (i prefer playing with the fancy features of hikr, like the maps, the waypoints, the pics, ...). but i do understand german, english and italian, so i enjoy every report available on this site!

i mainly hike to get some beautiful pictures, so my trips are never too wild (altitude or weather). well, not anymore :)

see you


Freunde : Mathias Kaiser
Freund von : spiralou, asus74


Administrator der Communities :
Mitglied der Communities : Meta: Community über Hikr, Randonneur, Bergsport und Umwelt, Züri Oberland ALPIN, Photographie, Hütte / Cabane / Capanna / Chamanna, Passwanderungen


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