Mär 14
Romania   T3 S+ II WT3  
14 Mär 09
Rodnei Mountains - Peak Pietrosul 2303m
We started this hike from the city of Borsa, situated in the north of Romania, in the region called Maramures. In our first day we manage to arrive at the meteo station "Iezer" at 1600m (we needed for this climb 3 hours and 30 min)., where we slept during the night, and the next day we climbed to the peak Pietrosul...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 16. März 2009 um 11:20 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:3)
Feb 17
Romania   T2 I WT2  
17 Feb 09
Hike to Calimani mountains
This was a three days hike. We manage to drive on a mountain road from the city of Lunca Bradului to a point which is situated at 1400m. From here the climb was not very hard, but it was long. And because of the snow, which was deep (2m in some places), it was somehow difficult. We set our tent somewhere at 1700m where there was...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 21. Februar 2009 um 09:33 (Fotos:20)