Frutigland   T3 WS+  
21 Sep 12
Balmhorn Zackengrat
On Thursday 20-09-2012 6.00 AM my alarm woke me up..time to leave. I first calibrated my Suunto.. -5 meter. At 7.00 AM my brother would pick me up in Rotterdam to leave to Kandersteg, to go to Schwarenbach, with the goal to reach the Balmhorn Summit 3699 Friday afternoon.   At 4 pm we reached Kandersteg, took the...
Publiziert von outware 22. September 2012 um 21:51 (Fotos:5)
Oberwallis   T5+ L I L  
12 Sep 13
Ofenhorn (S grat)
We parked our car in Fäld (1547m). As we knew it was going to be a long trip in the valley, we brought our mountainbikes and biked up 6km until the bridge over the Binna (1981m). There we parked our bikes, and hiked up for 55minutes to the Binntalhütte (2269m) The people who run the Binntalhütte are very nice people...
Publiziert von outware 14. September 2013 um 13:16 (Fotos:13)