Jul 31
Oberwallis   T5 WS II K1  
23 Jul 16
Färichhorn / Bigerhorn-Balfrin-Ulrichshorn / Nadelhorn
The Nadelhorn: not a bad goal for my first 4000m peak :). Day 1 Gasenried - Bordierhütte 4h15, 1250m ascent, 50m descent, T4 The ascent from Gasenried to the Bordierhütte("Bordier" pronounced in a French way)is relatively long but pleasantly varied. The path first goes up through the forrest, then through a fascinating...
Publiziert von Stijn 31. Juli 2016 um 19:21 (Fotos:123 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:6)
Jun 12
Oberwallis   T3+  
14 Sep 12
Camoscellahorn / Pizzo Pioltone
Vom Zwischbergental ins Valle Bognanco.
Publiziert von madu 12. Juni 2013 um 05:54 (Fotos:15)