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Stijn » Tourenberichte (214)

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Sep 28
Glarus   T3 K5  
28 Sep 13
Eggstöcke Klettersteig and Klausenrennen
Eliot, one of my friends from the Leeds University Union Hiking Club, is visiting me in Zürich for the weekend. The weather looks good for Saturday, but not for Sunday. The idea of doing a via ferrata suggests itself and is accepted without any hesitation. I decide on the one in Braunwald. I was there already in June, but decided...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. Oktober 2013 um 22:45 (Fotos:80)
Sep 22
Nidwalden   T5 I  
22 Sep 13
From Widderfeldstock to Arvigrat
When I'm on my own, I often like to push myself on a rather long hike. That was also the idea this Sunday: first climb the Widderfeldstock and the continue north along the ridge for as long as I feel like.   Wanting to be well-rested, I don't start particularly early. The 08:04 train from Zürich brings me via Luzern...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. September 2013 um 22:48 (Fotos:43 | Kommentare:2)
Sep 21
Waadtländer Alpen   K4  
21 Sep 13
Via ferrata de la Videmanette on Le Rubli
A beautiful weather forecast for the first weekend of autumn; a perfect opportunity to tick of some more via ferratas, I thought. However, finding companions turned out to be rather difficult. My existing contacts all had something else on already, and the channels of Kletterportal.ch and CouchSurfing didn't seem to generate any...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. September 2013 um 17:42 (Fotos:27)
Aug 18
St.Gallen   T3  
18 Aug 13
Across the Alpstein from Hoher Kasten to Wildhaus
I must admit I hadn't heard of the Alpstein Massif before coming to Switzerland. Looking at the Swiss Alps as a foreigner, you automatically focus on the higher summits and the mountaineering history of Matterhorn, Eiger and the likes. But for more regular hiking, the higher mountains are often limited in options. You certainly...
Publiziert von Stijn 22. August 2013 um 23:04 (Fotos:40)
Aug 11
Obwalden   K3  
11 Aug 13
Graustock Klettersteig
With the SBB "Vier Seen Wanderung Sommer-Hit" special offer, you get a train to Engelberg, cable car/ski lift to Jochpass, cable car down from Melchsee-Frutt, Postauto from Stöckalp to Sarnen and a train back home, all at 50% off. That means only 28.80 CHF from Zürich HB (with Halbtax) for the whole shebang. Pretty good...
Publiziert von Stijn 12. August 2013 um 21:46 (Fotos:54)
Jul 27
Uri   WS  
27 Jul 13
Clariden from the Claridenhütte
"A Dutchman, a Chilean, two Irishmen and a Belgian went to climb a mountain." It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but this was actually the composition of our team for a two-day hike with the objective of Clariden (3267m) in the Glarner Alpen.   On Saturday we took the Klausenpass Postbus up to the Klus/Chlus bus...
Publiziert von Stijn 30. Juli 2013 um 20:46 (Fotos:58)
Jul 21
21 Jul 13
Säntis from Wasserauen
"A long hike up Säntis for early risers. Let's start walking at 4am in order to get an Alpstein sunrise and to avoid the worst of the tourist in flip-flops coming up with the cable car. Who wants to join?" How I love kletterportal.ch already! Where else do people propose such great ideas (thanks Melanie!), without being dismissed...
Publiziert von Stijn 26. Juli 2013 um 11:45 (Fotos:36 | Kommentare:1)
Jul 14
Frutigland   K4-  
14 Jul 13
Klettersteig Allmenalp
I discovered kletterportal.ch on Friday, and already on Sunday I joined four other members on the Allmenalp Klettersteig in Kandersteg. The Kletterportal Partnersuche seems to be working great. I'll certainly try to use it more in future. The Allmenalp Klettersteig is my second Klettersteig in Switzerland, and certainly more...
Publiziert von Stijn 15. Juli 2013 um 17:57 (Fotos:32)
Jul 6
6 Jul 13
Rigidalstock Klettersteg
After a cancelled plan to do the Klettersteig in Braunwald two weeks earlier (due to the weather), this ended up being my first via ferrata in Switzerland. Through CouchSurfing I met up with four others. First, the Engelberg-Ristis cable car, immediately providing great view of the town of Engelberg with its monastry and the...
Publiziert von Stijn 16. Juli 2013 um 14:17 (Fotos:27)
Jun 30
Piemont   T3  
30 Jun 13
Punta del Pizzo and Cima di Altemberg
Last month I published the report of day one of my weekend in Italy, but part two (and arguably the best part!) was still missing. So here we go... My CouchSurfing hosts works at the Ispra Joint Research Centre, a huge European Commission institution which even has its own section of the Italian Alpine Club! This section had...
Publiziert von Stijn 8. August 2013 um 17:03 (Fotos:28)
Jun 29
29 Jun 13
Monte Todum and Pizzo Pernice
I wouldn't have my birthday weekend ruined by another rainy forecast for Switzerland. So I just planned a weekend away over on the Italian side of the Alps. CouchSurfer Mayeul hosted me in the village of Cadrezzate, and both on Saturday and Sunday we drove to the other side of Lago Maggiore to go walking. On Saturday we hiked...
Publiziert von Stijn 25. Juli 2013 um 17:47 (Fotos:13)
Jun 15
15 Jun 13
Walking around Speer
My second weekend in Switzerland, and again I joined up with two other hikers through CouchSurfing. The initial idea was to do the Kletterweg on the north ridge of Speer, there was still a surprising amount of snow, and one of the fellow hikers would not have been able to make it up that route anyway. So in the end, it became a...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. Juli 2013 um 17:49 (Fotos:13)
Jun 8
Uri   T4  
8 Jun 13
Niederbauen Chulm
Having just moved to Zürich, I met up with two CouchSurfers for my first ever hike in the Swiss Alps. A perfect day for it as well, with impeccable weather. We took the train to Brunnen, a quick yet stunning ferry across the Vierwaldstättersee, and the Treib-Seelisbergbahn to gain 300 meters of altitude before the start. The...
Publiziert von Stijn 19. Juli 2013 um 16:51 (Fotos:29)
Mai 1
1 Mai 12
Panorama vom Tödi
Ist nur um das Gipfelpanoram vom Tödi zu bestimmen.
Publiziert von Christoph1 29. November 2015 um 10:21 (Fotos:3)