Glarus   T3+  
9 Aug 07
From Glarus to Schwyz via Glattalp
This is for sure one of my favourite tours; there is almost everything a hiker can desire! We started in Braunwald and followed the trail direction Ober Stafel; we crossed two bridges and after the second one we turned on the path on our right. From Ober Stafel we continued to p.1644, where we took the path on the right direction...
Publiziert von matbor 30. Mai 2011 um 12:02
Glarus   T4-  
15 Jul 08
From Schwyz to Glarus via Glatten
Although we started very early from Zurich, at the arrival at the end of the Bisisthal there was already a lot of people waiting for the cablecar.... The only solution was to walk up to the Glattalp and then see what could be done. We followed the alpine trail via p.1280, p.1371, p.1522 and crossed the Bockalpeli reaching the...
Publiziert von matbor 22. Juni 2011 um 07:58
Glarus   T3+  
17 Jul 16
Ortstock from Braunwald (aborted because of snow)
Well let's start with saying that today's a shame, I was not able to reach the summit of the Ortstock. And now let's try to explain why this happened... I left Braunwald fully motivated and ready to encounter some snow on the ascent to the Furggele. Baerentritt was easy and went very well however once i arrived at Schoen Buel I...
Publiziert von matbor 17. Juli 2016 um 21:22