Trentino-Südtirol   T5 WS- I  
31 Jul 16
Battling the elements on Vertainspitze & Hoher Angelus
Vertainspitze (3545m) & Hoher Angelus (3521m) After a day of hiking around the Stelvio Pass with climbs of both Monte Scorluzzo and Roetlspitz we were ready for the next step in our climbing week: The traverse of Hoher Angelus and Vertainspitze. Maarten and me were really looking forward to this route. We wanted to do...
Publiziert von Lodewijk 6. August 2017 um 11:53 (Fotos:46)
Trentino-Südtirol   T3  
30 Jul 16
Monte Scorluzzo (3090m) & Roetlspitz / Piz Cotschen (3026m)
As a warm up for our climb of both Ortler and Piz Palu we climbed Roetlspitz / Punta Rosa(3025m) and Monte Scorluzzo (3090m) as a day trip from the Passo dello Stelvio / Stilfsersjoch. After driving all night from the Netherlands (and passing the Reschensee + drowned church), we arrived early in the morning in Trafoi, were we set...
Publiziert von Lodewijk 8. August 2017 um 20:47 (Fotos:42)