In cautarea cocosului de munte[Tetrao urogalus]/looking for tetrao urogalus

Publiziert von TEO , 18. April 2008 um 18:40.

Region: Welt » Romania
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Zeitbedarf: 2 Tage 14:00
Aufstieg: 500 m
Abstieg: 1450 m
Strecke:nehoiu -vf SIRUIU
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:nehoiu
Zufahrt zum Ankunftspunkt:siriu
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:cabana LACUL VULTURILOR

Cocosul de munte (TETRAO UROGALLUS) ,traieste in padurile de rasinoase cele mai greu accesibile,mai putin frecventate de om la altitudini de peste 1300 m.Singura perioada pentru cei ce se aventureaza sa-l vada,este perioada rotitului,15 apr.-15 mai.AM incercat sa fiu primul care va publica o fotografie din aceasta primavara,cu aceasta pasare rara,dar timpul nu m-a ajutat. Pana la aceasta data ,,cavalerul negru " nu este inca pregatit pentru nunta.Deplasarea s-a facut pe jos pe traseul Valea Neagra,Fundul muntelui,Poarta vanturilor,Lacul fara fund.Am dormit la cabana Lacul Vulturilor,am plecat la trei dimineata,sa pot ajunge la ora 5 la locurile de rotit (acolo unde se aduna cocosii si gainile ) Doar un urs mai trecuse peste urmele mele din ziua trecuta.Nu as fi vrut sa ne intalnim pe intuneric !La locul de rotit doar doua urme mai vechi de cocos si cantecul de dimineatza a celorlalte pasari....doar atat. Zapada in zona,fiind expozitie nordica este de peste 1 m.Deplasare a fost foarte dificila si daca nu am vazut inca  cocosul de munte am fost rasplatit cu niste peisaje de vis care vi le impartasesc si VOUA.

   The Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), also known as the Wood Grouse or more specifically Western Capercaillie is the largest member of the grouse family, reaching over 100 cm in length and 4 kg in weight. Found across northern Europe and Asia, it is renowned for its mating display.The Capercaillie is adapted to its original habitats - old coniferous forests with a rich interior structure and dense ground vegetation of Vaccinium species under a light canopy.

The courting season of the Capercaillie starts according to spring weather progress, vegetation development and altitude between March and April and lasts until May or June. Three-quarters of this long courting season is mere territorial competition between neighbouring cocks or cocks on the same courting ground.
   At the very beginning of dawn, the tree courting begins on a thick branch of a lookout tree. The cock postures himself with raised and fanned tail feathers, erect neck, beak pointed skywards, wings held out and drooped and starts his typical aria.

   i tried to be the first one this year to show you a photo whith it but the weather didnt helped me so i took some pictures of the beautiful scnaries wich i would like to share with you.   Enjoy!

Tourengänger: TEO


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