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United States

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6:00↑1067 m↓1067 m   T2  
30 Mär 15
Mount Tallac
Left the car at the pullout on the north side of Hwy 89, past the (still gated) Spring Creek Rd, and walked to the end of Spring Creek Rd. Couldn't find an obvious trail, and turned back when after half an hour of bushwacking a view up along the winter route showed nothing but more of the same, and not a speck of snow. Next, I...
Publiziert von ejain 6. April 2015 um 08:04 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)
4:30↑305 m↓305 m   T1  
29 Mär 15
Rubicon Trail
Left the car at the gated entrance to D.L. Bliss State Park, and walked down the road (with some shortcuts) to the trailhead. Followed the trail to the boat campground at Emerald Bay. The first mile or so didn't have much views, but the rest more than made up for that. Encountered quite a few people on the trail; must get very...
Publiziert von ejain 6. April 2015 um 08:20 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)
↑850 m↓850 m   T5 II  
27 Mär 15
Devils Peak and Snow Mountain - a short-lived item on my Sierra Nevada to-do list
Last week I added a mountain to my Sierra to-do list. Looking west from the top of Donner Peak, Devils Peak caught my attention. This week I can report that this to-do is already completed. After searching the net about Devils Peak, I found out on Bob Burd's site and on summitpost.org, that climbing this mountain was...
Publiziert von 360 29. März 2015 um 20:34 (Fotos:21 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
↑950 m↓950 m   T3 WT3  
20 Mär 15
From Donner Pass to Benson Ski Hut, via Donner Peak, Mount Judah and Mount Lincoln
Today I had rather ambitious plans: almost 20 miles of distance and 4000 ft altitude gain. Depending on the snow situation some of the hike would have had to be done on snowshoes as well. The plan was to walk from Donner Pass to Tinker Knob & back and on the way to Tinker Knob bag the 4 peaks which are somewhat on the way...
Publiziert von 360 24. März 2015 um 14:49 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
↑1000 m↓1000 m   T3+ WT3  
13 Mär 15
Twin Peaks - snowshoe hike to the Tahoe summit with a famous name
"Twin Peaks" is probably known best as the fictional Washington town from the famous American television serial drama of the same name. A lot of people probably also heard about San Francisco's "Twin Peaks", the two hills near the geographic center of the city. I doubt a whole lot of people know the "Twin Peaks" in the Tahoe area,...
Publiziert von 360 16. März 2015 um 20:45 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)
↑950 m↓950 m   WS  
6 Mär 15
Waterhouse & Powderhouse Peak - There was just enough snow for the first ski tour of this winter
Last week a storm brought about 10 inches of snow to the Tahoe region. So I was hoping to finally get my skis broken in for the season. In order to make sure an attempt to do a ski tour wouldn't fail this time, I planned to start at an elevation of almost 8000ft and in addition choose north facing slopes for my tour. Waterhouse...
Publiziert von 360 10. März 2015 um 20:12 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:1)
↑1000 m↓1000 m   T3 WT4  
20 Feb 15
Trimmer Peak - checking out "The Elevens"
After my last weeks outing in the Carson Pass area, I was hoping for a little more snow on the north facing slopes in the Tahoe region, maybe even enough for a ski tour. However, due to the absence of the white stuff up to almost 8000 ft, I had to leave the skis in the car and took my snowshoes along instead. For my goal today I...
Publiziert von 360 24. Februar 2015 um 16:05 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:5 | Geodaten:1)
↑650 m↓650 m   T2 WT2  
13 Feb 15
Snowshoe hike to Little Round Top and a lot of spring feelings at the American River
After a long abstinence from the mountains (for several reasons), I finally was able to get back to the beloved mountains. The California Sierras haven't gotten a lot of snow yet this winter, but with a big storm passing by last week I was hoping for enough of the white stuff to take my snowshoes out before it's summer again here....
Publiziert von 360 15. Februar 2015 um 20:04 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:2)
↑1300 m↓1300 m   T4 I  
14 Nov 14
Jacks and Dicks Peak - Desolation Wilderness at its best
Dicks and Jacks Peak have caught my attention on many of my hikes in the Tahoe area already. These two mountains are both quite high (almost 10K ft) and stick out. You see them from many other peaks in the area. However, a day hike to these two peaks is about 14 miles long with an altitude gain of more than 4000 ft, no matter from...
Publiziert von 360 16. November 2014 um 07:29 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
↑850 m↓850 m   T5- II  
7 Nov 14
Stevens Peak and Red Lake Peak - abandonned gold mines and some fun scrambling
Two days ago while hiking in this area I spotted Red Lake Peak on the other side of Carson Pass from the top of Round Top and it's inviting snow free south flank. At home I checked the map to find possibilities which could be combined with this peak. A logical choice would have been to traverse from Carson to Luther Pass bagging...
Publiziert von 360 10. November 2014 um 18:16 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)