Stubaier hohenweg (high mountain trail)

Published by Madrus, 22 October 2010, 07h34. This page has been displayed 1259 times.

I have published a short report ( ) about my last year's hike along the Stubaier high mountain trail in Austria. Next year, I plan to finish the route (1 week). Should anyone be interested in going along with me and a couple of other people, please let me know.

Comments (5)

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lukas says:
Sent 22 October 2010, 13h19
Hi Madrus,

depending when you go I would be interested to join you.
Do you plan to add some summits on the way or just the high mountain trail?


Madrus says: RE:
Sent 24 October 2010, 12h29
Hi Lukas, and thanks for your mail. At the moment I am planning to go at the beginning of July. It is not fixed yet though.
At to the summits, I would like to add Habicht from Innsbruckerhuette but it is not a highest priority. This kind of decisions depend on the group.
I have seen your reports and you seem to be a "born" mountaineer. :) I was really impressed. I could even imagine that my hike will be too easy for you while being very tough for some less experienced participants. To me personally it would not be a problem having an extra strong participant, what about you? What are your expectations?
What is important for me is that the pace of the group is adjusted to that of the weakest participant and the whole trip is not meant to be a "sporting competition or marathon run". I would like that we take enough time for taking pictures, cooking tea/coffee/cup-a-soup during lunch and maybe just to contemplate the mountain vistas for a quarter of an hour if the weather is fine and the cottage is not far away. Would it be something for you?
I have just started a blog about this hike. You can have a look at it at

Madrus says: RE:
Sent 24 October 2010, 12h33
By the way, do you mind if I copy our correspondence to my blog? It would be nice if other people see the discussions about this trip. It will save a lot of time not to repeat same answers to same questions.

lukas says: RE:
Sent 25 October 2010, 13h25

Hi Madrus,

thanks for your reply.

Glad that you enjoyed my reports.
Its a pity that I still could not find the time to write down all the other trips.
I just have been middle of September in Stubai and did the way from Neustift to Franz Senn Huette.
I'm really not so strong or good as you might think.
Of course we all have to be in a certain shape otherwise one or other summit would be not possible.
For example, I have been pretty finish with the world during going up almost 2000Hm from Vent to Wildspitze.
I managed it, but it was really at the limit of my fitness.
Beside the reaching the summit is still the question how ;-) I guess you know what I mean.

July sounds good to me. Please keep me in mind for your plans.
I would suggest we speak about this as soon as the time comes a bit closer.
Also we can then see if Habicht would work with the participants.
I would love to do the Habicht as it is already since a long time on my wishlist.
I dont have a problem to walk slow and take the time to enjoy the view and would never agree to leave somebody alone just to keep the tempo up.
If we go together up, we go together down.

nice blog, yes sure, feel free to add our mails there too.

best wishes,

Madrus says: RE:
Sent 25 October 2010, 18h53
Hoi Lukas. Thanks for your reply. I envy you that you have just been to Stubaital. I love it!

I agree with your feelings. 2000Hm in one day - you may be proud of yourself even if you were at the limit of your strength! Although that's when you are subject to the highest risk. Fortunately, the normal daily hike between two huette on the Stubaier Hohenweg is some 500-800 Hm up and down. That is physically less tiring. Habicht from the Insbrucker Huette is a bit more, I believe about 1300Hm. It is still quite doable. :)

It's good to hear that you have also found acceptable the things I mentioned in my previous message. Your attitude kind of fits nicely in the picture.

We sure will get more in touch some time in the beginning of next year. I would even suggest that the future participants meet each other one or two times somewhere. It would help creating a team feeling in advance. By the way, what is your home town and how far is it from Amsterdam?

About the blog. Maybe it is a good idea if you subscribe to it and then we switch our further discussions to there. I have a feeling that the details we are now talking about is too much for the What do you think?

I will copy/paste our discussion so far to my blog anyway.



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