Nice flowers - I saw many of these today.
Not Arnika (Arnica montana), but Clusius' Gemswurz (Doronicum clusii).

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pizflora hat gesagt: Doronicum clusii
Gesendet am 28. Juli 2019 um 14:13
Hello, this is not Arnica, but Clusius' Gemswurz, Doronicum clusii. Arnica has opposite leaves, i.e. always two leaves are sitting opposite each other, all the other similar plants of the composite family have slternate leaves.

Roald hat gesagt: RE:Doronicum clusii
Gesendet am 28. Juli 2019 um 14:19
Vielen Dank für die Info - hier war ich mich auch nicht so sicher.

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