California   T4+ L WT1  
27 Jun 10
Mount Tallac
Die Wanderung auf den Mount Tallac (2967 m) am Lake Tahoe (1897 m) ist ein Highlight, dass unvergessliche Ausblicke über die Sierra Nevada und den Lake Tahoe bietet. Am Tallic Trailhead kann man nicht nur gut parken, sondern man erhält auch die für das Gebiet erforderliche Wilderness Permit. Nachdem wir dies...
Publiziert von keksesser 9. Juli 2010 um 16:29 (Fotos:18)
California   WT2  
8 Dez 17
Tells Peak - a "must-climb" Sierra Peak for a Swiss!
After my failed attempt to climb Tells Peak last week I did my home work, studied what went wrong and why I didn't find the Highland Trail. After checking the different topo maps on, I realized that the US-Topo Map which I had with my (and was on my GPS) was outdated and contained an old version of the Highland Trail....
Publiziert von 360 11. Dezember 2017 um 19:54 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)
California   T4- WT1  
15 Dez 17
Phipps Peak - A nice snowshoe & hike roundtrip from Emerald Bay
California's weather is currently influenced by a so-called "blocking high" off the Atlantic coast which brought us nice warm and sunny T-Shirt days down in the valley for almost all of December so far (and it doesn't look like it will change any time soon). Unfortunately this prevents the winter storms from rolling in and the...
Publiziert von 360 18. Dezember 2017 um 16:42 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)