Sonora Pass 2939 m

Pass in 2 Tourenberichte, 4 Foto(s). Letzter Besuch :
10 Mai 18

Geo-Tags: USA, US-CA
In der Nähe von: Leavitt Peak, Mount Finiski, Sonora Peak

Fotos (4)

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Tourenberichte (2)

Wandern (1) · Skitouren (2)

California   T3 WS  
10 Mai 18
Do they make crampons for dogs?
Since I'm still employed in Switzerland, I get the Swiss Holidays off at work even though I live in California. This has advantages and disadvantages. One of advantages is that on those Swiss Holidays almost nobody has the day off in the US and therefore, it's hardly ever crowded, neither on the roads nor in the mountains. If you...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2018 um 22:55 (Fotos:22 | Geodaten:4)
California   WS  
23 Jun 17
Leave it or ski Leavitt?
In Northern California we had an unusually long lasting period of very hot weather for more than a week now. The high temperatures were up to 110°F (43°C)! Luckily where we live, we have two options to flee the heat, we either go to the Pacific Coast where temperatures are always cool even during the hottest days in the summer,...
Publiziert von 360 25. Juni 2017 um 19:08 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1) hat wenige Berichte für diesen Wegpunkt.
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Berichte in der Nähe

California   T3+  
14 Jul 17
Stanislaus- and Sonora Peak
Stanislaus- and Sonora Peak are two relatively easy accessible peaks from Sonora Pass. They are both pretty high, with Sonora Peak actually being the highest peak of the Sierra Nevada north of Sonora Pass. I had plans to climb these two mountains at the end of September last year already. However, I miserably failed due to the...
Publiziert von 360 16. Juli 2017 um 23:19 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)