Shqiponjë 855 m

Ort in 1 Tourenbericht. Letzter Besuch :
28 Jul 13

Geo-Tags: AL

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Tourenberichte (1)

Wandern (1)

Albanien   T2  
28 Jul 13
Maja e Gaferit
Who wants to climb a mountain that nobody knows and nobody sees? Well, once you happen to see it (as we did when we were climbing Mali i Polisit), you may actually want to hike Maja e Gaferit. With 1890 Meter, Maja e Gaferit has a respectable height for a central Albanian mountain, and it looks beautiful. It has a 300 Meter...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 1. August 2013 um 10:17 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:2)