Hikr » Piz Piot » Touren » Mountainbike [x]

Piz Piot » Mountainbike (mit Geodaten) (1)

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Bregaglia   T4 L  
8 Jul 18
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) are two mountain peaks which are quite far south of Bivio, but a day trip from Bivio is manageable when doing a bike & hike. There were already about 20 tour reports for Piz Piot, but this is the first one which does not start from Juf in Avers. Start of the hike at 8:30 in Bivio....
Publiziert von Roald 8. Juli 2018 um 21:21 (Fotos:39 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)