Apr 5
Albanien   T3  
30 Mär 14
Veles Traverse - Three times lucky
We had climbed the north summit of Veles a few years ago from Rraboshtë, and its main (southern) summit in 2013 from the village of Veles. The northern and the main summit are separated by an interesting ridge, about one kilometer long. For traversing this ridge, your return hike to from where you started becomes quite long,...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 5. April 2014 um 22:16 (Fotos:11 | Geodaten:2)
Mai 12
Albanien   T3  
27 Apr 13
From Velës to Velës
We found a trail from Rrëja e Velës to the main summit of Mali i Velës, the widely visible mountain behind Lezha town. We had climbed Mali i Velës before, from the village of Kalumet, from where a path leads to the weatherstation on the northern end of the main Velës Ridge (see separate trail). Then there was no time to...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 12. Mai 2013 um 21:39 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:2)