Maja e Ostrovicës 1358 m

Gipfel in 1 Tourenbericht. Letzter Besuch :
19 Okt 13

Geo-Tags: AL

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Tourenberichte (1)

Wandern (1)

Albanien   T2  
19 Okt 13
Maja e Ostrovice (vogel)
Maja e Ostrovices, near Elbasan, has the same name as its more famous namesake in Korca region, though it is 1000 Meter lower. We therefore call it Maja e Ostrovices (e vogel, or the small one), and hope that nobody takes offense. We noticed Ostrovice when travelling from Studen to Librazhd, and Ostrovice appears as a...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 11. November 2013 um 13:30 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:1)