Nov 10
Eifel   T1  
22 Jan 17
Winter Pattern at the Jägersief
A winter walk near the Höfener Mühle. Plenty of snow, glorious weather, well below the freezing point, make this hike even more desirable than in summer. The Fuhrtsbach and the Perlenbach were partly frozen. The long ascent from the valley to the Jägersief is sufficient exercise to keep warm. The shiny new shelter at the...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 10. November 2018 um 17:52 (Fotos:5 | Geodaten:1)
Eifel   T1  
3 Jul 16
Bieley, Stern and Jägersief
The Perlbach valley, which during spring sees the spectacle of thousands of wild-growing daffodils, is a favourate hiking area along the German - Belgium border. For those shying away from the big Daffodil-tour, this is shorter variant. As a bonus you get the views from the Bieley, which is a rocky outcrop overlooking the...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 10. November 2018 um 17:51 (Fotos:2 | Geodaten:1)