Ivačka glava 921 m

Gipfel in 1 Tourenbericht. Letzter Besuch :
5 Okt 14

Geo-Tags: HR
In der Nähe von: Jankovac

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Tourenberichte (1)

Wandern (1)

Kroatien   T2  
5 Okt 14
Ivacka Glava in Papuk Geopark
Papuk Geopark is southeast of Zagreb, and can be easily reached from the highway connecting Zagreb and Belgrade. It covers one of the major ridge lines in the otherwise rather flat plains. To their credit, authorities and hiking clubs did a great job in creating an interesting outdoor destination in varied surroundings.  ...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 28. Oktober 2014 um 17:02 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:1)