Hikr » Geisstschuggengrat » Touren » Schneeschuhe [x]

Geisstschuggengrat » Schneeschuhe (mit Geodaten) (1)

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Prättigau   T4 WT4  
30 Apr 16
Hasenflüeli + Jägglisch Horn
Sankt Antonien is a quiet place right now. Last week's fresh snow has disappeared surprisingly quickly. A fewstubborn ski mountaineers are still venturing into the north slopes of the Geisstschuggen and the Hasenflüeli. The valley of the Aschariner Alp, however, is completely deserted, and gives possibilities for a very quiet...
Publiziert von Stijn 4. Mai 2016 um 21:46 (Fotos:46 | Geodaten:1)