Jun 8
Derryveagh Mountains   T5 II  
28 Mai 16
Errigal (Tower Ridge + North Ridge)
The information that I had about Errigal's Tower Ridge was rather limited. Some fragments that I found on the internet included "best way to climb Errigal", "loose rock", "can be solo'ed" and a vague topo on a blog. Enough to spark my interest. Equipped with a helmet for the loose rock, I set out to explore this route onto County...
Publiziert von Stijn 8. Juni 2016 um 22:55 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 21
St.Gallen   T5+ II  
21 Mai 16
The Raaberg, the easternmost summit of the Mattstock massiv, is only rarely climbed. When it is visited, then usually by either 360 or carpintero, it seems. The Raaberg has an east summit (P. 1723) and a west summit (P. 1779). Only the east summit is named on the map and described in the SAC Clubführer. Strange, because the west...
Publiziert von Stijn 21. Mai 2016 um 21:04 (Fotos:42 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 20
Locarnese   T4+ I  
15 Mai 16
Cima del Masnee (from Brione Verzasca to Maggia)
Day 1 Brione - Scimarmota - Alpe Masnee T4+,1700m ascent, 400m descent,7h30 (In summer conditions over the marked path ca. T3+,250m ascent fewer,2h faster)   SBB chaos part one. Extra trains and carriages going south for the bank holiday weekend? No sign of...
Publiziert von Stijn 20. Mai 2016 um 19:51 (Fotos:71 | Geodaten:2)