2000 Höhenmeter vom Strand weg auf den Babadag

Publiziert von tilman , 31. Oktober 2008 um 19:42.

Region: Welt » Türkei
Tour Datum: 9 Oktober 2008
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Geo-Tags: TR 
Zeitbedarf: 6:30
Aufstieg: 2010 m
Abstieg: 40 m
Strecke:13 Kilometer
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:Ölüdeniz bei Fethiye, Badeort an der türkischen Mittelmeerküste
Zufahrt zum Ankunftspunkt:Auf den Gipfel Babadag kann man sich mit dem Jeep hinauf fahren lassen, um einen Gleitschirmflug zu absolvieren.
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:Siehe Ferienkatalog im Reisebüro

In Ölüdeniz kann man schön am Strand liegen. Bald spürt man einen leichten Bewegungsdrang. Dazu bietet sich der Babadag an, der direkt vom Stand weg in einer 2000-Höhenmeter-Tour bezwungen werden kann.  Weil die allermeisten sich mit dem Jeep hintenrum hochkarren lassen, um mit dem Gleitschirm herunterzusegeln, gibt es genügend leere Autos, die einen wieder an den Strand zurückbringen.
Der Weg ist liebevoll markiert und ebenso sorgfältig beschrieben auf einer Seite, die mit "hiking babadag" leider nicht mehr gefunden werden kann. Den dort gegebenen Beschreibungstext habe ich unten angefügt. Philipp und ich brachen mit dem ersten Licht am Strand auf und bewältigten den Hatscher mit allen Pausen in 6½ Stunden. Früher Aufbruch verbessert die Überlebenschance in diesem südwest-exponierten Steilhang mit stacheligem Ziegengebüsch und brutaler Sonneneinstrahlung.
Am Tag zuvor machte ich mit meinem Jüngeren eine kleine Vortour, um den Weg bis nach der ersten Verzweigung zu ...wie sagt ihr Schweizer?... rekognoszieren. Dies rate ich auch jedem Nachfolger, denn vor Tagesanbruch ist dieser Teil des Weges nicht leicht zu finden.

1- Start (Alt: 40m) : The path starts from the stone stairs at the right side of the mobile phone transmitter. The marks start from this point.  Here it is rough and inclined turning lots of corners. It cuts through the bushy trees mainly of evergreen oaks and olives. Don’t be tempted to make any shortcuts or to follow other paths that may lead totally in the wrong direction. Further up you need to cross an inclined rock surface. Avoid trying any other routes since the marked path is the safest. If you feel the need to hold the rocks for support, do so. The slope flattens out for a while and past a short inclined section through the red pine trees it comes to a junction. Total trip is 1.9 km (40 mins). 
2- Junction (Alt: 330m) :
Now you join the historical path from Ovacik to Kirme which is in better condition and easier to walk (Ovacik is 3 km to the left). Here turn right. You’ll first pass another junction going to a paragliding take-off area. Turning left the path continues with a gentle incline. Then you’ll cross another take-off, a gulley and pass two cisterns arriving at a third one. Total trip is 4 km (1 hour 20 mins).
3- Cistern (Alt: 610m) :
Nearby the cistern there is a shady evergreen oak. The path makes a sharp corner to the left. Soon there is a junction where you must turn right. You arrive at a plain walking on a gentle slope. Total trip is 4.7 km (1 hour 45 mins).
4- The Plain (Alt: 730m) :
From this point you’ll leave the accompanying view of the Blue Lagoon, peninsulas and islands. The scenery suddenly changes with fields, stone walls and the Babadag ridge. Further, there is a junction where the path becomes an earth road. Here you must go straight on while the right hand side continues to a take-off near the cliffs giving a chance to view Kidrak valley. At the last stage the path makes a descent of 40m. due to the topography, where you can see the rocky SW face of Babadag and the gorge, before arriving at Kozagaci village. Total trip is 6.5 km (2 hours 15 mins).
5- Koza
gaci (Alt: 750m) : Kozagaci is a tiny village which could be a startpoint of many other interesting routes. At this junction one finds a fountain suitable to drink and flowing all year round. There is no other drinkable water source further along. This is a critical halfway point. The following route to Babadag is harder; so if you feel unfit or exhausted it’s advisable not to continue but to have a rest, wander around and return. The motor road may be an alternative back to Ölüdeniz (15 km). To continue take the footpath to the left. On the way there are many junctions. (Also man geht vom Brunnen den steilen Fahrweg hoch und hält, wenn die Steigung nachlässt die eingeschlagene Richtung noch für etwa 200 bei, bis man ans Bachbett kommt.) You must stick to the marked path. Soon the path becomes parallel to a tiny stream flowing in winter. After crossing it twice you walk across the eroded terrain with reddish colored rocks. (Dann kommt eine Fahrweg der in etwa eben verläuft. Man folgt ihm einige Meter nach rechts. Dann beginnt linkerhand ein einzäuntes Gebiet auf dem man noch Wegmarkierungen erkennen konnte. Es bleibt einem nichts anderes übrig, als sich knapp links außerhalb des Zauns durch Stachelzeugs nach oben zu kämpfen) Reaching a negatively inclined rock, turn left. Now the path heads to a gap between a small hill and the long slope leading to the main ridge of Babadag. Before this gap you arrive at a junction near a sole red pine tree.
Total trip is 8.3 km (3 hours) .
6- Junction (Alt: 1040m) :
Turn right at the junction. The state of the surface and the incline worsens. In some places the bushy trees on  both sides, rocks and scree on the ground make hiking difficult. You must be very careful. Also be cautious not to follow any misleading tracks ending up in the bushes. This section may be tiring and quite boring but points allowing a view of Blue Lagoon and the ridge may help to cease these feelings. Suddenly you arrive at the cedar line. Total trip is 9.8 km (4 hours).
7- Cedar Line (Alt: 1450m) :
Beginning from this altitude you’ll be in the magnificent cedar forest mixed with other high altitude trees. Snow is certain in winter months. Here the path is vague due to the soil type. The slope is at its greatest throughout the total route. At the end there are a few points at which you may feel the need to hold the rocks. Then the slope flattens out. Total trip is 10.5 km (4 hours 30 mins).
8- Ridge (Alt: 1630 m) :
Now you are on the ridge of Babadag. Here the path becomes obvious and better in condition. On the other side of a small mount, there is a cliff. You’ll cross two flat areas separated by three easily passed rocky passages. Then the path turns to left and reaches the famous take-off slope. Total trip is 11.2 km (4 hours 45 mins).
9- Take-off (Alt: 1720 m) :
Here is the widest and longest take-off point on Babadag. It faces SW. The path joins the motor road which makes an alternative way to Oludeniz (18km). The rest is an easy walk on a gently inclined road situated on the northeast side of the ridge. This section allows you to see Fethiye town, Ovacik village, the small plain below, Mendos Mt. across the plain, Akdag  Mt.(3015m) far to the East with Saklikent Canyon on its slopes and Caldag Mt.(2184m) far to the North. On the way there are two gaps allowing the other side to be seen. (Hinter dem zweiten Gap kann man auch versuchen direkt auf den Gipfel zuzuhalten. Das Gelände war in meiener Erinnerung nicht allzu schwierig) , The last part makes a sharp corner to the right and reaches the peak.
Total trip is 13 km (5 hours 30 mins).
10-Peak (Alt: 1969m) :
You have come to the end of the great ascent. There is a forest fire watch station on the peak and two take-off points, one near the station facing to the North, the other 200m. to the East facing South. The station operates only in the summer when the road is accessible by vehicles. The door of the hut near the station may be open in the winter months, a free place to stay overnight as  an option if you are equipped. Depending on the season, weather and time of the day, either from the peak or from one point below, the trucks may be a transport option .If you ask, the drivers will gladly take you to Oludeniz.

Tourengänger: tilman

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