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Photo Noise Reduction small tutorial

"Noise" often appears on photos which were taken under bad light conditions or at night, on photos taken with a big zoom or also on scanned images. Here's an example of a nice picture taken by Alpin_Rise at night, which is amongst the best photos on hikr.org:

Avec bruit

You can see the noise very well in the sky for example.

It is not easy to reduce the noise. Luckily, if you use Photoshop, there is an excellent plug-in: NeatImage (it exists also as standalone application)

NeatImage is very easy to use. It runs on Windows and MacOS. Furthermore it's free for pictures smaller than 1024 pixels. And here is our example without noise:

Sans bruit

I used the automatic detection mode, the easiest, but you can already see the difference.


(Translation by 360. Tnx!)

Publiziert von Stani™, 27. Juni 2007 um 20:35.