Avers   WS ZS  
18 Dez 16
Piz Turba
From Juf we followed the bottom of the flat valley in the direction of the two evident couloirs of the Piz Turba. As we rise from the bottom of the valley the snow improves from icy to inconsistent sugar (although there is not much of it) We climbed the left couloir: steep (max 45°) and narrow at the exit. From there we reached...
Publiziert von remotepowd 8. Januar 2017 um 19:35 (Fotos:3)
St.Gallen   L  
18 Jan 17
Madfurggl south in full powder
Blue sky without a single cloud and -16C° in Weissentannen at 9.30 in the morning. We saw many people leaving for the Garmil but nobody thought of doing the Madfurggl. Being south exposed we enjoyed the sun for mos of the day. We broke trail all the way up, in light powder until 1800 m and in snow slightly worked by the wind for...
Publiziert von remotepowd 19. Januar 2017 um 19:54 (Fotos:3)
Schwyz   WS  
12 Feb 17
Powder on Turner Fluebrig
Crusty snow until 1400m, then powdery but only on the north exposed slopes. Arrived at 1600 m we saw that the Diethelm (2092 m) was already heavily tracked and we decided to go on the Turner (2063 m). Very good choice! We broke trail in stable light snow staying on the ridge on the left, the last meters with skis on the backpack....
Publiziert von remotepowd 12. Februar 2017 um 21:11 (Fotos:3)