Unterengadin   T5 I  
16 Sep 11
Piz Linard (normal route) from Lavin
After an unsuccessful attempt to summit Piz Linard in July as a great finish of our 14-day trip (bad weather), we reserved a prolonged weekend 16.-18.9. to give it another try. Originally we planned to go just to Chamanna dal Linard on the first day and make the summit attempt on the second day, but the weather forecast was quite...
Publiziert von michalaron 25. September 2011 um 20:17 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:1)
Unterengadin   T3  
17 Sep 11
Chamanna dal Linard - Vereinapass - Val Fless - Lavin
Long return trip from Chamanna dal Linard back to Lavin.
Publiziert von michalaron 25. September 2011 um 20:16 (Geodaten:1)