Jul 9
Oberhasli   L WS-  
10 Apr 11
Ski tour with Simon. Very nice ascent, not too long, and except one section not steep. Unfortunately, when we returned to the car, the battery had run out. The guard of the Steingletscher Hotel helped us out with a cable...
Publiziert von Coolidge 9. Juli 2011 um 10:16
Jun 7
25 Aug 96
Rosenhorn (3689m)
Tag 1: Rosenlaui - Dossenhütte. Tag 2: Dossenhütte - Rosenhorn- Gauligletscher - Gaulihütte - Urbachtal - Grund. Sehr schöne Tour mit dem CAF.
Publiziert von Coolidge 7. Juni 2011 um 21:06