Oberengadin   L WS  
19 Apr 11
Piz d'Err (3378m)
Fantastic ski tour to the second highest summit of the d'Err group. From the end of the valley, in two steps, to the the flat plateau of the upper part of the small Vadret d'Err. Walk around P 3308 to a saddle underneath the summit pyramid. Now, a steep slope up, about 60 m to the ski depot, and another 20 m to the ridge....
Publiziert von Coolidge 3. Mai 2011 um 21:34 (Fotos:8)
Oberengadin   L WS  
18 Apr 11
Piz Calderas - Tschima da Flix - Piz Picuogl
On the first day, by cable car from St. Moritz up to Piz Nair. From there over the Pass Suvretta and Fuorcla Suvretta to the saddle between Piz Surgonda and Piz Traunter Ovas. Finally skied down to Chamanna Jenatsch. Very lonely route. On the next day, from Chamanna Jenatsch first up to Piz Calderas. From there skied down to P...
Publiziert von Coolidge 3. Mai 2011 um 20:56 (Fotos:16)
Oberengadin   L WS  
20 Apr 11
Traunter Ovas (3151m) - Piz Surgonda (3196m)
From Chamanna Jenatsch, first up to Piz Traunter Ovas. Last bit on very hard snow. From the top, a wonderful view towards Piz Güglia and Piz Bernina. Skied down to the saddle between Piz Traunter Ovas and Piz Surgonda. Then up to the col between the two Surgonda summits, and from there with crampons to Piz Surgonda East. Down...
Publiziert von Coolidge 3. Mai 2011 um 21:20 (Fotos:8)