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Stijn » Tourenberichte (mit Geodaten) (3)

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Luzern   T3  
21 Dez 14
This report has been lying around since the 21st of December. What should have been the first day of winter, turned out to be one of the last days of summer. Sunshine, hardly any snow, and even the forecasted strong wind was nowhere to be found. A great day for a solo hike across the Entlebuch summit Beichle. --- I've hardly...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. Februar 2015 um 21:28 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Luzern   T3+  
21 Jun 15
Vitznauerstock / Gersauerstock
After many cancelled plans due to different "personal circumstances" and the weather, I finally found a few dry hours to go out on Sunday afternoon. With David and Franziska I headed for the Vitznauerstock / Gersauerstock, on the border between Luzern and Schwyz. It is claimed as a "Hausberg" by both the Luzern village of Vitznau...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. Juni 2015 um 21:49 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Luzern   T5 II  
1 Nov 15
Schrattenfluh traverse
Even just looking at a map, the Schrattenfluh is one of the most eye-catching features in the Emmentaler Alps. With its vertical walls to the north-west and its limestone slopes to the south-east, the Schrattenfluh looks pretty wild from any direction. Up close, the mountain is surprisingly accessible to hikers with several marked...
Publiziert von Stijn 3. November 2015 um 21:35 (Fotos:47 | Geodaten:1)