Aug 8
Davos   T5- I  
8 Aug 15
Winterlücke P. 2820 west ridge
A Hikr first ascent? Not very likely. Surely many people doing the Joriseen Rundweg would have visited the summit of P. 2820, an easy 5 minute detour from the Winterlücke. The west ridge of P. 2820, however, is a bit more interesting and probably almost never visited. So let's make a Hikr report out of it anyway... My original...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. August 2015 um 21:37 (Fotos:9 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 1
Oberhalbstein   T4 K4+  
1 Jul 15
Piz Mitgel (Senda Verticale)
Taking a day off to escape the heat wave, the goal had to be somewhere high up in order to find cooler temperatures. The Piz Mitgel via ferrata had been opened last week, with the Savognin website recommending ice axe and crampons for the summit ascent. Fully equipped, we drove to the Plang la Curvanera car park at 1844m. The...
Publiziert von Stijn 3. Juli 2015 um 22:50 (Fotos:57 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 10
Prättigau   T4 I  
10 Aug 14
Rätschenhorn (descent over Sant Jaggem and Bärnet)
The little Madrisa Land amusement park is still deserted as we start our walk from the Madrisa cable car. The first target of the day is the Geisshorn. The summit is marked with a wooden post, a little to the west of the marked path. A nice view rewards those who make the small detour to reach it (T3-T4 depending on the exact...
Publiziert von Stijn 19. August 2014 um 11:10 (Fotos:50)
Mär 9
Oberengadin   WT4  
9 Mär 14
Muottas Muragl (+ aborted attempt at Piz Clüx)
Last Saturday was the annual "snow day" with my colleagues from work. It started on Friday afternoon already, as we made our way to the Engadin village of Pontresina, where we put on the cross-country skis and made our way to our remote hotel in Val Roseg. On Saturday we went on the pistes, after which most people went back to...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. März 2014 um 23:04 (Fotos:29)
Dez 22
Surselva   WT3  
22 Dez 13
Piz Cavradi
I almost forgot, winter is that season where it gets cold. Particularly at 2614 meters above sea level on a mostly cloudy day. And, to be honest, it wasn't even that cold yet. It's just that I'm not used to it any more, apparently.   A snow shoe ascent of Piz Cavradi near the Oberalppass was the objective of the day. Like...
Publiziert von Stijn 23. Dezember 2013 um 22:22 (Fotos:36)