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Stijn » Tourenberichte (214)

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Uri   WS  
27 Jul 13
Clariden from the Claridenhütte
"A Dutchman, a Chilean, two Irishmen and a Belgian went to climb a mountain." It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but this was actually the composition of our team for a two-day hike with the objective of Clariden (3267m) in the Glarner Alpen.   On Saturday we took the Klausenpass Postbus up to the Klus/Chlus bus...
Publiziert von Stijn 30. Juli 2013 um 20:46 (Fotos:58)
Piemont   T3  
30 Jun 13
Punta del Pizzo and Cima di Altemberg
Last month I published the report of day one of my weekend in Italy, but part two (and arguably the best part!) was still missing. So here we go... My CouchSurfing hosts works at the Ispra Joint Research Centre, a huge European Commission institution which even has its own section of the Italian Alpine Club! This section had...
Publiziert von Stijn 8. August 2013 um 17:03 (Fotos:28)
Obwalden   K3  
11 Aug 13
Graustock Klettersteig
With the SBB "Vier Seen Wanderung Sommer-Hit" special offer, you get a train to Engelberg, cable car/ski lift to Jochpass, cable car down from Melchsee-Frutt, Postauto from Stöckalp to Sarnen and a train back home, all at 50% off. That means only 28.80 CHF from Zürich HB (with Halbtax) for the whole shebang. Pretty good...
Publiziert von Stijn 12. August 2013 um 21:46 (Fotos:54)
St.Gallen   T3  
18 Aug 13
Across the Alpstein from Hoher Kasten to Wildhaus
I must admit I hadn't heard of the Alpstein Massif before coming to Switzerland. Looking at the Swiss Alps as a foreigner, you automatically focus on the higher summits and the mountaineering history of Matterhorn, Eiger and the likes. But for more regular hiking, the higher mountains are often limited in options. You certainly...
Publiziert von Stijn 22. August 2013 um 23:04 (Fotos:40)
Waadtländer Alpen   K4  
21 Sep 13
Via ferrata de la Videmanette on Le Rubli
A beautiful weather forecast for the first weekend of autumn; a perfect opportunity to tick of some more via ferratas, I thought. However, finding companions turned out to be rather difficult. My existing contacts all had something else on already, and the channels of Kletterportal.ch and CouchSurfing didn't seem to generate any...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. September 2013 um 17:42 (Fotos:27)
Glarus   T3 K5  
28 Sep 13
Eggstöcke Klettersteig and Klausenrennen
Eliot, one of my friends from the Leeds University Union Hiking Club, is visiting me in Zürich for the weekend. The weather looks good for Saturday, but not for Sunday. The idea of doing a via ferrata suggests itself and is accepted without any hesitation. I decide on the one in Braunwald. I was there already in June, but decided...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. Oktober 2013 um 22:45 (Fotos:80)
Schwyz   T3  
13 Okt 13
Grosser Mythen
What a beautiful day. And to think that I almost couldn't be bothered to get out of bed! Sadly, it was to be the last trip of my beloved camera, but still I don't regret going out.   My weekends have been pretty packed lately, so I was looking forward to a more relaxed weekend this time. Also the recent snowfall made me a...
Publiziert von Stijn 13. Oktober 2013 um 21:06 (Fotos:23)
Cumbria   T3  
19 Okt 13
Skiddaw north to south
I was back in my beloved Lake District this weekend with the Leeds University Union Hiking Club. The Lake District is such an unwritten page on Hikr, what a shame. I'll definitely try to add some of my past hikes in the Lakeland on Hikr as well.   I've often been lucky with the weather in the Lake District. Not this...
Publiziert von Stijn 21. Oktober 2013 um 22:08 (Fotos:21)
Cumbria   T2  
20 Okt 13
An unexpected sunny spell on Lord's Seat
(Continued from the previous day.)   A spell of sunshine is nicest when you least expect it. Look at us, smiling at the camera with squinted eyes because nobody though that sunglasses would be remotely useful on our hike. Heavy showers, with possible thunderstorms, and an almost nil change of cloud-free summits was the...
Publiziert von Stijn 22. Oktober 2013 um 20:34 (Fotos:21)
Obwalden   K4  
26 Okt 13
Fürenwand Klettersteig
Many thanks to the warm Föhn winds for chasing away the snow to higher altitudes again. It meant that lots of options were still open for this sunny late October Saturday. I decided to do the Fürenwand Klettersteig in Engelberg. With five via ferratas, Engelberg is the self-proclaimed "Klettersteig Eldorado" of Switzerland....
Publiziert von Stijn 26. Oktober 2013 um 18:12 (Fotos:28)
Sottoceneri   T3  
24 Nov 13
Monte San Giorgio
It wasn't easy to select the location of this hike. Two CouchSurfing guests of mine were coming along, so it had to be relatively easy and non-technical, with not too much snow. The weather was also an issue. With gray clouds, rain, snow and slush perpetually enveloping the entire Deutschschweiz, going south into Ticino seemed to...
Publiziert von Stijn 25. November 2013 um 22:00 (Fotos:37)
Schwyz   WT2  
8 Dez 13
Chli Aubrig from the Wägital
Snowshoeing is almost unknown in the UK, even though some showshoes certainly would have been useful a couple of times doing some Scottish winter routes. In Switzerland it is however the number one winter activity for those who love the outdoors but can't ski. (That includes me, though hopefully not for long.) So I was quite eager...
Publiziert von Stijn 9. Dezember 2013 um 21:29 (Fotos:40)
Surselva   WT3  
22 Dez 13
Piz Cavradi
I almost forgot, winter is that season where it gets cold. Particularly at 2614 meters above sea level on a mostly cloudy day. And, to be honest, it wasn't even that cold yet. It's just that I'm not used to it any more, apparently.   A snow shoe ascent of Piz Cavradi near the Oberalppass was the objective of the day. Like...
Publiziert von Stijn 23. Dezember 2013 um 22:22 (Fotos:36)
Bellinzonese   WT3  
12 Jan 14
Going by the number of entries on Hikr, mostly in Italian, Föisc must be one of the most popular snow shoe hikes in Ticino. With decent amounts of snow, but low avalanche risks south of the Gotthard, it seemed as good a destination as any. I sent around quite a few messages trying to get other people to join in, but in the end...
Publiziert von Stijn 13. Januar 2014 um 21:55 (Fotos:29)
Uri   T1  
18 Jan 14
Weg der Schweiz: Brunnen - Sisikon
The Axenstrasse is the section of the road between Zürich and the Gotthard the goes along the Vierwaldstättersee, from Brunnen to Flüelen. It provides some stunning views across the lake whenever the road pops out of one of its many tunnels. On every trip south, this scenery is a strong temptation not to drive any further, but...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. Februar 2014 um 13:38 (Fotos:14)
St.Gallen   WT3  
25 Jan 14
The Schnebelhorn is with 1292 meters the highest point of canton Zürich. Tom and me reached it with a hike that was ironically almost entirely within the canton of St. Gallen. Tom had contacted me spontaneously through Hikr the week before, thanking me for my supposedly nicely written reports and suggesting that we do a snow shoe...
Publiziert von Stijn 9. Februar 2014 um 20:35 (Fotos:32)
Cumbria   T2  
20 Feb 14
Aira Force and Gowbarrow Fell
I travelled back to the UK for five days last weekend. Three days with my favourite Leeds Uni Hiking Club in Glencoe in Scotland, and a day in the Lake District on either end. After landing in Manchester Airport on Wednesday evening, I made my way to Ambleside where I spent the night at the Walmar B&B.   A full...
Publiziert von Stijn 27. Februar 2014 um 20:23 (Fotos:18)
Cumbria   T3  
24 Feb 14
High Street via Kidsty Pike
After one day in the Lakes and three days with the Leeds Uni Hiking Club in Scotland, this was to be the final day of my return to the UK. I had one more day of hiking planned in the Lake District, within a two hour drive from Manchester Airport, where I would take a plane back to Zürich in the evening. Eliot was joining me...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. März 2014 um 20:49 (Fotos:9)
Oberengadin   WT4  
9 Mär 14
Muottas Muragl (+ aborted attempt at Piz Clüx)
Last Saturday was the annual "snow day" with my colleagues from work. It started on Friday afternoon already, as we made our way to the Engadin village of Pontresina, where we put on the cross-country skis and made our way to our remote hotel in Val Roseg. On Saturday we went on the pistes, after which most people went back to...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. März 2014 um 23:04 (Fotos:29)
Schwyz   T2 WT2  
30 Mär 14
Rigi Kulm from Küssnacht
Through the website Spontacts, I ran across some other hikers who are planning to do the Rigimarch in May as well. They had planned a training/reconnaissance hike on Rigi last Sunday, along the final part of the Rigimarch route. What better way to spend a sunny Sunday? A large group (eleven of us, though not everybody training...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. April 2014 um 22:49 (Fotos:11)