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Obviously » Tourenberichte (mit Geodaten) (3)

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Jun 17
Unterwallis   T4- ZS+ II  
17 Jun 17
Mont Dolent - Arête Gallet en traversée
This was our second attempt at the Gallet ridge of Mont Dolent. Last week, we stayed at the La Maye bivouak and followed the glacier up to the ridge, but entered the ridge much too early (about 3050m on the glacier) and had to downclimb on garbage loose rock. Then we aimed to get on the ridge at the top of the glacier, but were...
Publiziert von Obviously 18. Juni 2017 um 16:22 (Fotos:11 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 14
Bellinzonese   T3 L  
14 Mai 17
Adula / Rheinwaldhorn spring ascent
We began from Dangio, Paese (not to be confused with Dongio) and headed on the red/white trail eastward and upward. From Dangio to Soi, the trail is mostly a rocky road and can be covered fairly quickly and easily. From Soi to Capanna Adula CAS, the trail becomes a proper hiking trail and steepens - it's pretty with the pine trees...
Publiziert von Obviously 18. Juni 2017 um 14:40 (Fotos:7 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 23
Berninagebiet   T4- WS-  
23 Apr 17
Piz Morteratsch in spring
From Pontresina we walked the long, peaceful Val Roseg up to Tschiervahütte. If you plan on returning this way, do yourself a favor and take a bicycle from Pontresina to Roseg, hide it in the forest, and enjoy the ride back down later. The winter room of the Tschiervahütte was full with 10 people, including my party of 4....
Publiziert von Obviously 27. April 2017 um 13:56 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:1)