Dez 9
Lombok   T3  
15 Jul 14
Gunung Rinjani 3752m - 3 day trek traversing an exploded active volcano
Gunung Rinjani is the 2nd highest Mountain in Indonesia - its 10 km wide Caldera is filled with a crater lake and features a 300 years young new active volcanic cone at its centre. In 2013 volcanologists finally unveiled one of the big misteries and confirmed it was the explosion of Gunung Samalas in 1257 AC, which caused the...
Publiziert von MicheleK 18. August 2014 um 18:12 (Fotos:59 | Kommentare:3)
Java   T2  
15 Mai 92
Mt. Bromo 2329m
Despite the large crowds the walk up to world famous Gunung Bromo on Eastern Java to see the sunrise is one of the highlights not to be missed when travelling to Indonesia.  Thanks to digital copies of my old Kodachrome slides, dating from 1992, the picture quality remains very good even after...
Publiziert von MicheleK 30. Juli 2009 um 02:21 (Fotos:12)
Bali   T2  
11 Jul 14
Time has stopped at Lake Tamblingan
Lake Tamblingan is one of the least visited lakes on Bali and its remote location gives it a spiritual feeling. Most people go to Danau Batur or the widely advertised but rather developed Danau Beratan. The 3 lakes, at ca. 1200m elevation, are often shrouded in clouds. The hikes around the area are wild and mostly require local...
Publiziert von MicheleK 24. August 2014 um 00:25 (Fotos:14)