4 Sep 21
An enchanting trip to the Gombe Stream Park at Lake Tanganyika right in the heart of Africa. For 3 days we stayed in the Mbali Mbali Lodge in the park and our main activity was chimpanzee trekking from the shore of the lake up to the hills partly on very steep trails. We were lucky and had the opportunity to stay for some hours...
Publiziert von Michael26 6. Oktober 2021 um 10:18 (Fotos:15)
Tansania   L  
9 Sep 21
Mount Meru
In some other articles it is very well described how to climb Mount Meru. Therefore I will not repeat what others have already done very well but will focus on why it might be worth to do it. First of all Mount Meru is a very high mountain with a spectacular shape. It is a dormiant volcano with its last activities about 100...
Publiziert von Michael26 6. Oktober 2021 um 11:55 (Fotos:39)