Locarnese   T3  
2 Jun 11
Lunch with view on the Poncione d'Alnasca
Today it was finally time for a tour in the beautiful Verzasca valley. I started with Simona and Eveline in Piee close to Brione, choosing the path direction Pianesch and Matar. From Matar we continued to the Alpe di Sgiof avoiding the steep, more difficult path ascending to the lake Starlaresc (the terrain was also wet and...
Publiziert von matbor 7. Juni 2011 um 14:33
Locarnese   T2  
9 Mai 14
Back to Ticino and back to Monte Salmone
First time in Ticino since September 2013… Completely different conditions; o way this time to go too high (avoiding the snow). Monte Salmone seems an ideal peak for this first hike "ticinese" (and on a first try a few years ago I had to turn around because of the snow just after Legunc). Since my father was coming with me, I...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Mai 2014 um 17:49