California   T6+ WI2  
2 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 1)
"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes The entire trip report can be found on my personal website. (Hikr does not support long TRs) This was the greatest adventure of the year and is the longest road trip I have ever been on. We traveled from Mount...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:09 (Fotos:3)
California   T5  
10 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 2)
Day 7: Hiking up to Upper Boyscout Lake In the morning from our camp spot we could see Mount Whitney glowing brightly during the sunrise as well as some other cool peaks in the area. We went to the ranger station to get our free permit as well as some beta. The rangers told us that there was 6 feet of snow which non of us even...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:16 (Fotos:3)
10 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 3)
Day 9: Summit Day on Mount Whitney This was summit day for Mount Whitney which got me very excited, but at the same time I realized that it was December 10th which was my brother Kevin's birthday. I was sad that I could not visit him, especially the fact that he was in the hospital and last I heard he was in critical...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:22 (Fotos:3)
11 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 4)
A while later Michael drove up to the Whitney Portal, and just like that we were on our way to Death Valley. It was the first time I had ever been to Death Valley which I was impressed at how vast the valley actually was. It was during this moment that I could finally announce "wow, I'm far away from home!". We were on our way to...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:26 (Fotos:3)